This Probe May Be The Only Proof That Humans Have Ever Existed

This Probe Has Been In Space For 46 Years And May Be The Only Proof That Humans Have Ever Existed

Voyager 1, a probe launched by NASA in 1977, was tasked with studying interstellar space beyond our solar system and is by far the most distant human-made object from Earth. Currently, Voyager 1 is more than 13.9 billion miles away from Earth and is traveling at 17 kilometers per second relative to the sun.

This Probe May Be The Only Proof That Humans Have Ever Existed

Voyager 1 is flying outwards, and it has flown out of the boundary of the solar system, that is the influence range of the solar wind and entered interstellar space. This is an exciting achievement because it represents the first time humans have explored regions beyond our solar system.

Although Voyager 1 has been in space for 46 years, it is still sending data to Earth, allowing us to learn more about interstellar space. Due to the distance, the signal transmission takes a long time. Currently, it takes about 20 hours for a signal from Voyager 1 to reach Earth. Voyager 1's communication capabilities are also gradually declining as its power sources and equipment age. NASA expects that in the next few years, Voyager 1 will no longer be able to send any data to Earth, and we will lose contact with this great probe.

This Probe May Be The Only Proof That Humans Have Ever Existed

Even so, Voyager 1 will continue to fly until it encounters another star or object. According to estimates, Voyager 1 will reach a star named AC+79 3888 in about 40,000 years, which is about 1.6 light-years away from Earth. This will be the most authentic interstellar encounter for Voyager 1.

It's an interesting question as to whether aliens will ever acquire Voyager 1. While we don't know if aliens exist, and if they can detect and intercept Voyager 1, if they do, they might be interested in the Golden Records carried by Voyager 1. A golden record is a CD that records the culture and information of the earth, including music, language, pictures, sounds, and so on. It is a way of sending a message of our presence and friendliness to alien civilizations. There is also an explanatory picture of the golden record, telling aliens how to play and interpret the golden record.

This Probe May Be The Only Proof That Humans Have Ever Existed

Voyager 1 is the pioneer and witness of human beings exploring the outer space of the solar system. It has already flown out of the solar system and will continue to fly for tens of thousands of years in the future to explore the farther universe. While we may not be able to predict the ultimate fate of Voyager 1, it will continue to provide us with valuable information about interstellar space and maybe a way to communicate our presence and friendliness to alien civilizations.

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