Could Antarctica Be Related To Aliens? What The Media Reported On This Topic?

Could Antarctica Be Related To Aliens? What Has The Media Reported On This Topic Over The Past 70 Years?

Since about the 1950s, the controversy over the existence of alien bases in the Antarctic ice has never stopped. This hypothesis surfaced from time to time, was hyped up in the media, and then forgotten again. But the truth is, every year someone reminds everyone. It seems that people go out of their way not to let people forget that there is something on the Antarctic continent.

It all started when Captain Byrd and his fleet of warships tried to get close to the South Pole. They met with severe resistance. UFO-shaped UFOs emerged from the water and hit warships and soldiers with glowing rays. Although there were many survivors, they had to leave the area in a hurry. Captain Byrd claimed that he felt animal-like terror when he saw the power of these machines.

Could Antarctica Be Related To Aliens? What The Media Reported On This Topic?

Since then, the era of belief in aliens on the Antarctic continent has begun. The next wave of mysterious messages started in the mid-60s. A polar expedition in Antarctica is allegedly attacked by mysterious creatures. These creatures appear as white orbs with tiny limbs. They hold black diamond-shaped objects, and shoot out red energy clusters from them, directly burning the human body. The creatures guard an ancient tomb thought to be of possible archaeological interest. However, despite many attempts, people have not been able to get close to it.

In 1976, rumors arose about the discovery of a lost city in Antarctica. It is said that American pilots noticed several pyramids and dozens of strange snowdrifts while flying over the area of ​​the Antarctic continent. Subsequent expeditions uncovered the ruins of stone structures millions of years old. There are incomprehensible symbols on them, and some of the pillars are covered with a green substance when touched, which is sticky and slowly corrodes the glove, but does not cause damage to the skin. When the slime was examined, it was found to be a sample of some kind of biomass. Afterward, the area was banned from flying, and all expeditions related to it were swiftly concluded.

In 1984, Soviet researchers discovered a passage to the depths of Antarctica. The melted cave extends down hundreds of meters. When the experts tried to get inside, they encountered intelligent beings of unknown species. They engage in so-called telepathy with these creatures, and everyone involved goes insane. They are constantly bothered by some sounds. Possibly a strong extrasensory influence, but since then the Soviet Union has banned the study of subsurface structures in Antarctica.

Could Antarctica Be Related To Aliens? What The Media Reported On This Topic?

In the 90s, a lot of different materials emerged on this topic. American, British, and Russian polar explorers have repeatedly encountered burials and had some unpleasant encounters with highly advanced civilizations, even visiting ancient structures. All of this has escaped the public eye under the pretext of "can't exist, because fundamentally it can't exist."

Also, in 1996, Russian polar explorers discovered some mysterious formations in the Antarctic ice - golden threads and tiny-sized molybdenum spheres. While studying ice cores that are millions of years old, scientists have discovered some strange artifacts that are barely visible to the naked eye. It turned out that this was advanced nanotechnology, which was not widely studied at the time.

In the early 2000s, researchers in the United States and Canada discovered tiny humanoids less than 15 centimeters tall in Antarctic ice. According to expert estimates, these mummies are about 60 million years old, and they are not the product of evolution, because they have nothing to do with the DNA of Earth creatures. Further research is being kept confidential.

In 2009, three massive obsidian sarcophagi were unearthed. Inside lay the mummies of creatures, partially resembling humans. They were 3.5 meters tall during their lifetime, and according to Corey Goode, they were pre-Adamites - one of the founding races of humanity. Along with the Anunnaki and the Reptilians, they were engaged in genetic experiments and are the civilization we depend on.

Could Antarctica Be Related To Aliens? What The Media Reported On This Topic?

Recently, there have been statements on the Internet saying that scientists and soldiers have discovered some buildings that do not conform to the characteristics of primitive humans in the melting zone of Antarctica. This means that there is a highly developed civilization in the frozen area. We can see that the media releases news from time to time about Antarctica and its relationship with aliens. How many of these claims are true? Maybe thousands or millions of years ago, other civilizations settled here. And through these reports, humans are gradually preparing for possible contact with them.

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