Alien Base? Mysterious Pyramid Discovered Under The Sea Of ​​bermuda

Alien Base? Mysterious Pyramid Discovered Under The Sea Of ​​Bermuda

Bermuda has always been a mysterious mystery that people want to uncover, but so far no one can fully explain this strange phenomenon. Speaking of Bermuda, people think more of the mysterious delta, but has anyone ever thought about what kind of mysterious power is hidden under the delta, and how many unknown secrets it contains? Today, I will come for you to Reveal the secrets one by one. Recently, a mysterious pyramid was discovered in the mysterious seabed of Bermuda. According to the investigation, it seems to be inextricably linked with aliens. What is the truth? The following will reveal the mystery for you!

According to foreign media reports, recently, scientists from the United States and France, together with other countries, are investigating the seabed of the mysterious Bermuda Triangle, claiming to have discovered a pyramid that humans have never discovered. The circumference of the pyramid is 300 meters and the height is 200 meters. The exposed part on the seabed is 100 meters from the bottom to the top. It is preliminarily inferred that this structure is composed of glass or a glass-like material (Crystal), because all of it is smooth, and some are translucent. It is likely a masterpiece from aliens because humans at that time did not have such technology!

When it comes to size, this newly rediscovered pyramid is much larger in scale than any other ancient Egyptian pyramid. There are two very large holes in it, and the seawater quickly passed the second hole, spinning into a huge vortex, forming huge waves and fog on the sea. This huge discovery made scientists wonder whether this reason has affected many ships and planes passing by here, which can also explain why so many mysterious events happen here. But more scholars believe that maybe this is a game carefully designed by aliens a hundred years ago!

Bermuda Pyramid
Bermuda Pyramid

Built On Land, Sank When The Last Pole Shifted, Is It A Missed Masterpiece By Aliens?

Some Western scholars are arguing about this issue. The pyramids built on the seabed should have been built on land at first. In a devastating earthquake, the face of the earth was completely destroyed and the pyramids sank to the bottom of the sea. Other scientists are saying that hundreds of years ago, the seawater in the Bermuda Delta was caused by the crustal movement during the Atlantis period, and the pyramids under the ground may have been built by people at that time as a storage place for their items. It may also be related to a subterranean race of underwater humanoids, a species called "Aquatic Apes" discovered in Washington in 2004.

The results of more in-depth research are difficult to understand. Scientists processed all the data and concluded that the surfaces of the two pyramids are so smooth that they look like glass or ice. They are both twice the size of the famous Khufu Pyramid. It was such breaking news that a conference was held in Florida and reported in the local newspaper, The Florida News. The news contained many pictures and high-resolution computer data, showing a very smooth three-dimensional picture of the pyramid, with hardly any debris, algae, or cracks visible.

Atlantis Glass Pyramid
Atlantis Glass Pyramid

Of course, there will be doubts. The Bermuda Triangle area where these pyramids are located may be the so-called "Holy Land" in the legendary Atlantis period, a place where people sacrificed. Others have suggested that these pyramids could absorb cosmic rays from the cosmic "energy field" or "Quantum Vacuum", and that these were the powerhouses of the Atlantean era (which anyone can take as they please). While the mysteries that haunt Egyptian pyramids have not been revealed, the fact that they were found in all ancient civilizations makes it difficult to explain why they were built.

Real Or Fake?

"It doesn't sound like it's true", said Calvin Jones of the Florida State Historic Resources Department. "I'm very open-minded because I'm always hearing new things. But this pyramid structure, especially the glass texture, exists in more than 10 feet of water—it's a one-in-a-million chance".

"Jones said that if this is an actual archaeological find, it means that the pyramid was built between 10,000 and 6,000 B.C. before the continental shelf was submerged", Chisholm said.

The Florida archaeologists agree with this time but disagree with other points made by the Department of Historic Resources. Professor Glen Dolan, an anthropologist at Florida State University, said that the earliest Near Eastern pyramids were documented in 4000 BC, and all New World pyramids were chronicled in the 1st century AD, so anyone far from the Flore Coast This pyramidal structure predates known pyramids by at least 2,000 years.

Mysterious Underwater Pyramid
Mysterious Underwater Pyramid

Other Underwater Pyramids Have Been Discovered One After Another. What Did The Aliens Do?

In 1977, a mysterious discovery about an unknown technology was revealed in Atlanta. A 650-foot pyramid is mysteriously raised, and glistening white water surrounds it, before turning green in stark contrast to the black surrounding waters of the deep sea.

Another massive pyramid, located 10,000 meters below the waters of Atlanta, has a pulsating crystal that Tony Bennick's expedition says it has. The expedition also discovered an opaque crystal tablet, the writing on which was clearly visible when illuminated by light.

More underwater pyramids have been found in the Yucatan Peninsula and Louisiana in the heartland of the United States, and domed pyramids have been found in the Straits of Florida. A marble Greek-style pyramid has been discovered between Florida and Cuba. The cylindrical object capable of radiating energy was discovered by Dr. Sink in the Bahamas, and he also produced other prehistoric artifacts from underwater Atlantis. He has been interviewed by Steve Forsberg, the head of the International Economist.

Mysterious Pyramid
Mysterious Pyramid

In 1970, Dr. Ray Brown, who was far away from the coast of the Bahamas, went to investigate other pyramids. Four divers assisted him. They found roads, domes, rectangular buildings, unknown metal instruments, and a statue underwater. Crystal with a small pyramid inside. Metal devices and crystals were taken to a Florida university for research. Research has found that crystals amplify the energy passing through them, which may explain why the pyramids appear to be made of glass.

In 1970, Dr. Ray Brown, the founder of naturopathic medicine, went diving with a few friends from Barry Island, Bahamas, in a light submersible from Mesa, Arizona, to a place known as the "Tongue of the Ocean". (This was reported on television, titled "The Search for the Lost Atlantis", captured in 1979).

When Dr. Brown and his friend got separated during a dive, in the process of searching for the partner, he was surprised to find a pyramid-shaped silhouette revealed in the light of aquamarine.

After in-depth observation, Brown was very surprised by the smooth surface of these stone buildings. They looked like mirrors, and there was an invisible connection point between different clumps.

He swam around it, and Brown confirmed that it might be lapis lazuli, and he saw a portal, and he was going to go in to find out. Traveling through the narrow corridors, Brown finally came to a small rectangular room with a pyramid-shaped ceiling. He felt very strange, because there were no algae and polyps on the walls of this room, and it was almost spotless.

Mysterious Undersea House
Mysterious Undersea House

In addition, although Brown did not hold a flashlight in his hand, he was able to see any details in the room with his naked eyes. The room was very bright, but he could not see any lighting devices. Brown's attention turned to the brass-like metal rod, three inches in diameter, suspended from the ceiling in the middle of the room, ending in a faceted ruby ​​with a tapered tip.

Below it, is a stone sculpture with a large stone disc at the top, which scrolls to the end. On the plate, there is a pair of carved brass-colored hands, about the size of a human hand, very black and charred, as if they were fired at a huge high temperature. In the hand, located 4 feet away, in the direction of the ruby ​​rod, is a crystal ball 4 inches in diameter. Brown tried to loosen the ceiling and the ruby, but couldn't. He returned to the crystal ball again and was amazed to be able to separate it from the bronze hand with which he held the crystal ball in his right hand and left the place. When he died, Brown sensed an unseen presence telling him not to come back.

Going Back To 5000 Years Ago, The Aliens Already Had A Conspiracy?

It is said that China has the oldest human documents, and Mr. Li has an apology about the brother civilization as follows: "On the earth, there are many continents, such as Asia, Europe, South America, North America, Oceania, Africa, and Antarctica, Geology Homes are called continental plates, and it has been 10 million years since these plates broke off, with many major continents rising from the ocean floor and others sinking. It took another 10 million years until these states stabilized". However, a large number of huge buildings and exquisite carvings have been found on many seabeds. They are not the heritage of modern civilization, so these buildings existed in ancient times before they sank to the bottom of the sea.

Mysterious Underground Kingdom
Mysterious Underground Kingdom

From this point of view, the mystery of the pyramids on the sea floor is solved, the result of the Earth's Great Flood period, which drowned numerous civilizations and raised the sea level. Scientists are learning more about the surface of the Moon, and certainly about the depths of Earth's oceans. We may follow the guidance of the famous Canadian director James Cameron to explore what happened there, which may also be more exploration of human beings themselves.

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